
Karela (Bitter Melon ) and Diabetes

Bitter Melon is also known as Karela and botanically known as Momordica charantia,  It a fruit that has been used as vegetable for many years. It known by its name as its tastes very bitter.

It has the following chemicals which might improve the blood sugar: glycoside, charantin, karavilosides, vicine and polypeptide.

Polypeptide works like insulin by assisting in controlling blood sugar levels by assisting the absorption of sugar from your blood into cells and tissues. And also the Charantin and vicine might improve blood sugar levels by improving absorption of glucose in the body. But its recommended that you seek medical diagnosis for better result and treatment.

Karela juice also Lowers HbA1c levels thus indicating controlled sugars level, reducing  the risks brought by high sugars levels  and developing diabetes.

To make Karela juice just blends the fruit with a glass of water and you can add lemon for flavor and make it more palatable as you know the juice is very bitter.  Take a glass of the juice daily more in the morning regularly as you observe your diet.

Other benefits of taking Kalera

  • Bitter melon is a has plenty of nutrients and taking its juice will provide a lot of nutrients to the body
  • Its anti-cancer
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the body
  • It improves the fiber intake
  • Its anti-inflammatory  
  • It has antifungal properties   
  • It acts as antioxidant



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The Philanthropist

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